Your Brief

The information you provide here will form the basis of your creative brief. Without this information there is not much we can do for you. The completion of this brief is the first step of the design process and allows us to better understand your specific needs.

Please take your time when completing the brief. Provide answers that are as detailed as possible. If you need to speak with before filling it in, then please get in contact with us and we can arrange to speak in person, or if this is not possible, on the phone or through Skype.

Note that answering questions marked with an asterisk (*) is necessary.

Tell us what you are all about. Explain to us what you do so we can understand what it is we’re designing for. Try to be as descriptive and detailed as possible. Do you provide services and/or products, or operate under a philosophy that makes you one of a kind? Do you compete with businesses that do what you do and need to stand out?

List your local, regional and/or worldwide competitors. We have to know who your competitors are and how they brand and position themselves before we work for you. Please provide URL's of websites and names of companies.

Describe, the type of people that need to be influenced by what we’ll do for you. This is very important as it's all about ensuring your message is conveyed to the right audience. If you have a specific,and quite niche/specialised target market, then please use more detail here.

Let us know what your ideal completion date (deadline) is. The deadline is the date you expect/need/would like the project to be completed with all physical and/or digital deliverables in your hands.

If you have a particularly urgent requirement, then we may be able to help you depending on our work load. A premium will be applicable as when working for something that there is no sufficient time for we need to increase our daily work hours in order to do it in time.